How To Prepare For Rhinoplasty?


The nose has a multifunctional function. Rhinoplasty is a very important and sensitive organ in terms of maintaining the basic anatomical structure of the nose, so that the nose can perform its functional functions in a healthy way, as well as its aesthetic appearance. The nose is an organ where the capillaries are very dense. The nose structure, which is formed by capillaries and anatomically sensitive cartilage tissues, has certain sensitive points that should be considered before the rhinoplasty procedure is applied. For this reason, before rhinoplasty, in line with the detailed examinations performed by the specialist doctor, before starting the nose surgery, the patient is given drugs and painkillers that constrict the blood vessels. In this way, it is possible to perform this surgery without blood. However, at the same time, there are some things that the patient should pay attention to. Before this surgery, patients should not use blood thinners and nutritional supplements. Aspirin, hormone drugs, and flu drugs should not be used. The patient’s complaints and expectations should be combined with the doctor’s expertise and detailed evaluations. Thus, the possibility of an effective and successful application is increased.

Major Factors to Consider Before Rhinoplasty

  • Before the rhinoplasty procedure, in case of diseases such as flu, or urinary tract infections, a doctor should be consulted. During rhinoplasty, there should be no such conditions accompanying the surgery, the surgery can be postponed if necessary.
  • Birth control pills increase the risk of clot formation in the legs. Therefore, 4 weeks before rhinoplasty, the use of birth control pills should be stopped.
  • Smoking and being overweight pose a risk in terms of anesthesia, blood circulation, and wound healing. In this regard, it is recommended to quit smoking 15 days before rhinoplasty and to plan the surgery after losing excess weight.
  • It is necessary to inform the specialist doctor about diabetes, heart, and thyroid drugs that should be used regularly before rhinoplasty.
  • In case of chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, asthma, hypertension, and thyroid, there are medications that the patient uses regularly. It is very important to evaluate the possibility of the use of these drugs to have a negative effect on the rhinoplasty procedure and to act accordingly.
  • Another important preparatory stage is nutrition. It is necessary to stay away from excessively salty, caffeinated, and fatty foods, as edema may occur a few days before the operation.

The Day Before the Rhinoplasty Surgery

It will be beneficial for the patient not to get too tired and not to engage in excessive physical activity the day before the surgery. Food and beverage intake should be stopped 8 hours before the operation, the stomach should be empty as anesthesia will be taken. If food is eaten recently, nausea, vomiting, and undesirable conditions that may develop due to these conditions may occur during and after the surgery. Make-up should not be applied on the day of surgery, and for male patients, the specialist doctor may request shaving.

What to Eat Before the Surgery?

Even if you have to avoid eating just before the nose surgery, you can increase your protein consumption in the days before the surgery. If you consume protein-rich foods such as chicken, meat, yogurt, and eggs, your body will be more ready for surgery. Not on the day of the surgery, but 1-2 weeks before the surgery, you should be fed this way. Protein is very important and it also accelerates the recovery process after surgery.

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