Can Rhinoplasty Improve Your Breathing?


Rhinoplasty also referred to as a nose job, is a name given to surgical operations performed to change the shape of the nose. Rhinoplasty is a plastic surgery operation performed by making changes in the bone and cartilage structures of the nose shape in this structure. Reasons for having rhinoplasty include repairing deformities in an injury, changing the physical appearance of the nose to correct a birth defect, or improving some breathing difficulties. The nose is an aesthetically very important organ as it is located in the middle of the face. Our nose, which is an important organ as well as aesthetically, also has an important task such as breathing. Healthy breathing also brings a healthy and happy life.

In the inner part of the nose, the part called “septum”, which is used to separate the right and left nostrils, consists of bone and cartilage; it consists of meat called “concha”, which ensures the flow of air, cleaning and keeping it moist. Some curvatures and nasal conchas in this part cause nasal congestion and consequently cause breathing problems. This can also cause problems such as snoring and sinusitis.

Although the problem of nasal curvature is actually in many individuals in society, people are mostly unaware of this situation as the minimal curvature of the septum does not cause a problem in breathing. In addition to nasal congestion caused by curvature due to trauma, deformity of the nose also occurs. The curvature of the nose can narrow or completely block the airway inside the nose. While the nasal cavity on the side where the septum is curved narrows, the nasal cavity on the other side expands, on the contrary. This situation disrupts the balance of the airflow passing through the nasal cavities.

Common problems that cause difficulty breathing are:

  • Congenital disorder or cleft palate
  • Nasal polyps or masses
  • Enlarged turbinates or mucosal structures inside the nose
  • Deviated septum

Every year, countless men and women suffer from nasal breathing problems that cause frequent nosebleeds, colds, dry mouth, sleeping difficulties, and snoring issues. One of the most common reasons for medical rhinoplasty is to correct a deviated septum. This is a medical term used to describe when the central nose cartilage is off-center, making it difficult to breathe easily. Functional rhinoplasty can make it easier for patients to breathe from both sides of the nose by correcting the section between the two nasal cavities, called the nasal septum. Nose surgery to correct respiratory problems not only provides aesthetic benefits, but can also help improve the patient’s quality of life.

When patients consult doctors for a nose job, it is often revealed that they also experience breathing problems. In this case, doctors will make an application by solving both problems together. Thus, problems in terms of both appearance and breathing can be corrected without having to undergo two different surgeries and in a shorter time. For your nose to look more aesthetic in appearance, a detailed examination should be performed for your nose when you consult a doctor. In this way, rhinoplasty improves your breathing with a single surgery.

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