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Breast Aesthetic

Breast Aesthetic Surgery

Breast aesthetic surgery encompasses a range of cosmetic procedures designed to improve the breasts’ size, shape, and contour. These procedures can significantly impact a patient’s self-esteem and confidence, making breast aesthetic surgery a popular choice for many.

Breast aesthetic surgery is performed for a variety of reasons, including:

Enhancing breast size and shape: Many patients seek breast aesthetic surgery to increase their breast size, achieve better symmetry, or improve their breasts’ overall shape and contour.

Restoring breast volume: Pregnancy, breastfeeding, weight loss, and aging can all contribute to a loss of breast volume. Breast aesthetic surgery can help restore fullness and create a more youthful appearance.

Correcting breast deformities or asymmetry: Some patients may have congenital breast deformities or asymmetry that can be addressed through breast aesthetic surgery.

Reconstructing breasts after mastectomy: For patients who have undergone a mastectomy due to breast cancer or other conditions, breast aesthetic surgery can help restore a sense of femininity and wholeness.

Who is breast aesthetics suitable for?

Breast aesthetic surgery is suitable for individuals who are in good overall health, have realistic expectations for the outcome, and desire an improvement in the appearance of their breasts. It is essential to have a thorough consultation with a qualified plastic surgeon, such as those at Unimed Health, to determine the most appropriate procedure for your specific needs and goals.

What are the types of breast aesthetic surgery?

There are several types of breast aesthetic surgery, including:

Breast augmentation: Involves placing breast implants (silicone or saline) beneath the breast tissue or chest muscles to increase breast size and improve contour. It is the most common type of breast aesthetic surgery.

Breast lift (mastopexy): A breast lift addresses sagging or drooping breasts by removing excess skin and tightening the surrounding tissue. This procedure can be performed alone or in conjunction with breast augmentation.

Breast reduction: For patients with overly large breasts that cause discomfort or interfere with daily activities, a breast reduction surgery can remove excess breast tissue, fat, and skin to create a more proportionate and comfortable breast size.

Breast reconstruction: This procedure aims to restore the appearance of one or both breasts following a mastectomy or lumpectomy. Reconstruction can be done using a patient’s own tissue, implants, or a combination of both.


At Unimed Health, we understand the profound impact breast aesthetic surgery can have on a patient’s confidence and self-image. Our team of experienced and compassionate professionals is dedicated to helping you achieve desired results while prioritizing your safety and satisfaction. From the initial consultation to post-operative care, we are here to guide you through the entire process, ensuring that your unique needs and goals are met.

If you are considering breast aesthetic surgery, don’t hesitate to contact Unimed Health. We are committed to providing the highest quality care and support as you embark on your journey to a more confident and beautiful you. Please schedule a consultation with our expert team today and take the first step toward achieving your desired appearance.